Budget: College

Budget: College


Your financial freedom and wealth building journey begins the day you make your college acceptance. Yet the United States does nothing to prepare you to achieve financial freedom. By withholding financial literacy from high school education, you are automatically set up to struggle and fail with your finances. College is where many people take their first wrong steps. This is unacceptable.

Step 1 in the journey to financial freedom: you must have a budget!

It is essential to face the numbers and make a plan, ideally before stepping on to your college campus in the Fall. Those who do not make a plan, put on blinders and hope everything will work out, face a harsh reality when they graduate. This cannot be your path. Your future is too bright. You have too much to accomplish to let your financial illiteracy hold you back. Letś take the first step together and create a plan and budget for the next phase of your life.

I will provide you everything you need including video instructions on how to utilize and put this document to use. Letś get started!

Side Note: The download is an Excel Sheet. I highly recommend that you open and save in Google Sheets. This will give you more flexibility and access to your money plan.

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