Budget: First job

Budget: First job


When you exit college and land your first salary job you need to do this budget before you start looking for an apartment, buy a new car, etc, etc. Let me give you the structure to do the research and help you look at the numbers so you have a solid start to your financial journey and long term wealth building.

A majority of Americans don´t do this step and land themselves in a massive hole and a lot of financial struggle on the first day of their adult life. NO! It shouldn´t be this way. Together let´s create a thoughtful and intentional plan so you start adulthood on solid financial ground.

This document is a two step process. #1: Using the document to do the research and create a spending plan (before you buy all the things!). #2: Implement the plan and see how it works for a month. Then revise & run again or implement automation and automatic transfers (different product).

The document includes links to video lectures by Ms. Rigley that will walk you through the entire process. Lets go!

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