Ready for College Video Series

Ready for College Video Series


Free 3 Day Webinar that will have you prepared, empowered and ready to get the most out of your college experience.

Day 1: Money Flex

This session is all about how you are going to handle your money for this next year in college. We will cover what you need to know about your student loans distributions, using your work study, scholarships vs. grants, etc. What costs will not be covered and we will create a money plan so you have clarity about what is to come and know how you are going to make it work. You are a broke college student so I will give you the knowledge, tools, tips and tricks to feel empowered and confident during this exciting and new phase of life.

Day 2: Tools to Thrive & Career Clarity 

If you are moving away to college, you are about to gain a tremendous amount of freedom that is exhilarating and liberating. Many students get lost in this freedom. You only have classes a few times a week and you are supposed to be studying but there isn´t daily homework or check ins, possibly just a test that is a few months away. This lack of structure is a massive struggle for so many students. I am going to give you the tips and tricks so you can take care of business while also enjoying everything college has to offer you. 

In addition to structure, we are going to cover how to figure out which career is best for you. So many students have no idea about their career path and just randomly chose a major because they had to for college admissions. You think this is a field of study that you are interested in but you are not really sure. You also believe that you will figure it out while you are in college and able to take classes that interest you. Sorry to bring the bad news, but most students never figure out their best career path this way. Sadly, college is not set up to help you figure it out. Let me teach you things you can do to gain clarity while in college and set yourself up for career success once you graduate.

Day 3: Tips to Start Financially Empowered & What to Avoid

Here it is, the money skills you use in college are either going to set you up for a lifetime of money success or struggle. How you handle your money as a young adult will either allow you to fuel your dreams or money will forever be a source of stress. Let me get you started on the right path and show you all of the financial traps to avoid which are specifically designed to take advantage of your lack of money knowledge. Not on my watch. I have you covered.

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