The power of realizing your dreams.
In 2019, I was struggling and this was pre COVID struggles. I went on a massive hunt for resources and materials that would help me live the life I dreamed of. I wanted to thrive and at that point I was barely surviving. The results of this exploration were incredible and changed me and the people I teach in massive ways.
Because of this exploration,
I learned how to create small, manageable and lasting change in my self care and well being.
I got the courage to take action on big ideas that I always dismissed because ¨they wouldn´t make me money.¨
I learned the tools to go after seemingly impossible dreams, through small actions daily. The things I learned under this category blew my mind and changed everything. I was suddenly given the tools to make my wild dreams a reality. I didn´t have to quit my job or get another degree. I could chase my seemingly impossible dreams while still teaching, having a family and doing self care [I am serious!].
As a result of everything I learned, here are some of the things I did and some things I am still doing:
I taught myself how to create a website on Squarespace (not perfect but an awesome accomplishment for someone who is not that techy)
I launched a business [Sharing is Caring Baby Co-Op], learned a lot, had a ton of fun but eventually closed it down due to the struggles of COVID lockdown.
I created the year long personal finance elective that I had always dreamed of teaching and now teach three classes a day. Without the Dream Class, I am not sure I would have ever taken this step.
I now run a personal finance business that helps people gain the tools and confidence to own their finances and delivers you an awesome personal finance newsletter every two weeks.
I know how to prioritize my well being and make sure my minimum dose of self care always comes first as it is the pillar to all that I am.
Everything I learned from this exploration continues to impact me extensively.
I took all of this material, created worksheets and discussions to supplement and turned it into my Dream Class. In December 2019, I taught 10 Berkeley High School staff members and continued to coach to women when the class ended after 4 weeks. These two women have both left Berkeley High School and are pursuing the life of their dreams: one in fashion and the other traveling and working with horses.
So are you ready?
It is time for a change.
Click here to sign up for my Dream class with live coaching. If a current session is not open for registration then preorder. I run 4 Dream classes a year.